Ways to Participate

By-invite experts engaged in facilitated discussion

Request a Commentator invitation

We moderate discussion around meaningful content.  Would you like to join us as a commentator?  Fill out this short form.  If it looks like a match, we’ll send you a link to create an account at DepolarizationDiscourse.  When there’s a blog or video that merits your written commentary, we’ll send you a notification.  We respect your time, so expect just a few posts per month which will need your response.


Request a Contributor invitation

We are interested in original blogs and videos that prompt thoughtfully address root causes or explore solutions to our nation’s divisiveness and polarization.  If you have an idea for an original blog or video and would like a group of multidisciplinary experts to engage in moderated discussion around your content, fill out this short form.

If your concept looks promising, we’ll invite you to submit your blog or video to be published here.

For selected posts, we will invite several expert commentators to add written commentary to the discussion.  You will be encouraged to participate in the discussion, too.

And, we will actively shine a light on your post through our growing subscriber base, by featuring it to our website audience, and by sending it to our media network.